Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

chocolate chocolate andd . . . more chocolate ?

i am feeling so down today . GRR .
everything seems fresher than fresh in the morning , and when we started our biology class , everything becomes sour . at biology , we have to study about genes and stuff . its so flamin' confusin !! well , for me it is . and i havent planned to make children yet and i have no idea about genes , i mean , sure , i know that the child have gotta look a lotta like the parents bt that was pretty much it . For the whole time , Caz and Doof talked like Greek in the biology class and i have to surf around the lair for answers . That paper was damn lucky that i didnt burn it . the genes that i have to study is about dorkz , zorks , whatever the 'ork' is anyway . and in the end , i guessed my whole paper and handed it in .
anyway , i'm in despo need of chocolate !! no , i'm not a coffeeholic and i'm not a shopaholic and i definitely AM NOT an alcoholic . thats that .
that biology thing has ruined my mood for the rest of the day .
and come to think of it , we have homework for Math . and Business study . and Social . and English.
Remind me again why we NEED to go to school .

Flame On U ,
Flamence N. Fyrz

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